Sunday, July 02, 2006

Goddess in the water

I dreamed that I was in a new place (which I am). The land was hot and dry and cracked. I came to a stream: clear, sweet water flowing over round rocks worn smooth with age.
I looked into the water and I saw images of the Goddess on the rocks. I stepped into the stream and lifted one out. "I'm always there" is what she said...
:::smiling::: I love when the universe talks.
So here is my attempt at capturing this dream:

printmaster program, gel pens and watersoluable crayons

1 comment:

Victoria Koldewyn said...

oooh oooh oooh! very beautiful. nice dream. love when those crop up! happy weekend to you! I love that Call Me Names game, your names are ACE! Think I may post that one on my blog, what a hoot.