Sunday, June 18, 2006

random thoughts...

I can't seem to focus on anything today. I flit from one thing to another, and can't finish anything. I sat at my art table, and can't get the idea from my head to the paper.
Everything feels ... I can't even say. I feel nervous and sleepy at the same time, active and sluggish. Go back to bed? Or run around the block?
I'll come back here later.


The Grunt said...

Well, I love the random. In fact, I've been called "Captain Random". So, just roll with it and enjoy the moment. Good stuff.

Etayne said...

Well, thanks ...once more! -- for the encouragement.
Some days -- actually most days, are just randomness strung together within a frame work of time.
My, that's profound. :::giggle::: I think my blood sugar must be low.