Tuesday, June 27, 2006

and so flies the day...

No work today -- so I spent a few blissful hours catching up on art projects. I finished up my little baggies for the "Art Elements swap", which turned out to be harder than I thought. Not having much money, I made most of the things myself, I added watercolored papers, made tags, and blank paper dolls, put in some beads, both glass ones and hand made ones, a fan deco, and some ideas like that. I hope my efforts are appreciated. I am often worried that other swappers might not like what I have to offer. But I'm working on getting over that!

I also worked on a deco titled "Pretty Fairies". It turned out alright, except I smudged the tiny fairy lips. Oops! It is now titled "Too Much Lipstick Fairy".
And here she is:

I also finished a hand made post card for a swap, and all that was about four hours that flew by on fairy wings. It's always fun to mail off completed projects. The postman even plastered the envelopes with lots of cool stamps, instead of printing the computer ones out.

Mail art -- love it! It made for a very peaceful day.

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