Wednesday, June 21, 2006

quick hello

Hello there world! Thanks for the fabulous day! We had CPR training today at work. I couldn't help myself, I named the resucy- dummy "BillyBob".
BillyBob, BillyBob, are you OK?
I love the South. :) Nobody quite understood why I was cracking up so hard.
These trainings can get quite silly. We also had to practice with a baby size manequin (BobbyRay!). Someone blew so hard into the dolly that it's (removable) face blew off. I just about fell off my chair I laughed so hard.
Laughing is one of the best things there is in life, isn't it?. Even if no one else gets it but you.
Right, BillyBob?
And for your artyfact viewing enjoyment, a little creativity in texture -- a little ditty done with fine splatter paint in water color, cut into strips, woven, and decorated with fall leaves and markers.

1 comment:

Victoria Koldewyn said...

oh my GOD girl you are such a gem! I can barely catch my breath I am laughing so damn hard. What an eventful random life you are having! Your tootsies look very cute and happy. Free flip flops to boot? Wow. What do you get with a manicure? How about a waxing? The mind boggles. I like your art - you are the Layer Queen, so very yum! Glad you are still doing art in the week. many big hugs and now I am going to watch Monster's Ball know who...I am not kidding!!!!