Sometimes I doodle in bed before I go to sleep instead of reading.
Here are some examples of that. It may not be the most noteworthy artwork, but I sure like the way it makes me feel. It definitly puts me in right-brain mode. And I love these soft pencils, the way they feel on the paper and how you can shade with them.
It's the process, right? Not the product.
I've always wished I could draw. Suffice it to say that's not to be mine.
I only get to use words...and in a not so grand way.
Bless you on your talent. I feel the ability to draw is one of the greatest abilities you can be given.
nnafunny thing is, I used to think that I can't draw. But I practice, and I'm noting some improvment. And your words were fine words, miss hope.
I can't type worth a damn today.
:::giggle::: My Produce!
That is funny. Yes, it was the zone that was the really really good part. I love getting there, ya know?
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