Saturday, January 26, 2008

Meanwhile, back at the ranch....

... It is 3:30 am, and I can't sleep. That's highly unusual for me. Why???? You may ask? I certainly wondered. I had no orange juice on hand, but had these low carb fruit juice drinks that I like to drink. So I drank about 5 during the afternoon and evening -- only realizing about midnight that they had an energy booster in it! So, Zing! Out of bed, back to bed, out of bed, pace, to the potty, back to bed, doodle, listen to radio, read,repeat. I will try the TV next. That usually works.
Here are some of the doodles I doodled:

I like this one. Sometimes interesting stuff comes out with random intuitive doodling. I think I'll call it "Hag". I may use it in one of the decos I'm working on.

This one may have potential for that same project too. Lately I have been using bold frenzied strokes, especially apparent here.

And guess who can snooze any old time? Fiona. Only time I can actually attempt to draw her, because she doesn't move!

And here is what not to drink five bottles of:

1 comment:

Tejae: Heart Shaped Art said...

Hello there. Thanks for visiting my blog (tejae's Art). The valentine drawing that you signed up for was for last year (2007) and has since been given away. But it does remind me that perhaps a new valentine giveaway would be fun to do so here's what I will do. I will put your name in the hat for this year. :) check my blog in a few days for the details. :)