Sunday, August 27, 2006

I feel the best of me when I sit at my art table and create. Glue and pencils and scissors and water color, crayons and stamps and sponges and brushes; so many colors and images and patterns. Before I know it, 2 or 3 hours have gone by. The dog sleeps in my arm chair, the cat is curled up on her pillow, I listen to the radio and I truly feel peaceful.
Todays' creation is a page for a deco ( a small handmade book that gets sent around to different artists to decorate a page) in the style of "zettiology".
More on that here, if you are interested:


Lhonez said...

You have a great talent. You feel best when you sit at your art table and it shows in your work. It is beautiful.

I have a similar feeling when I write music or play my guitar.

Etayne said...

Thank you :)