Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Good things about living in the South, part 3

GIANT Bugs!!

I caught this creature at work -- it is bug week! It was about two inches long and I have never seen anything like it. Anyone know what it is? It had wings like a dragon fly, a body like a caterpillar, and pinchers like a beetle. No, it wasn't a cockroach!
( We did let it go after keeping it in the bug catcher in the science area for a day. It seemed relieved.)
Honestly, the bugs I see down here are really something. I marvel at the delicacy of their wings and their colors, and yet they give me a bit of the creepy crawlies. Especially now that I sparked the children's interest in insects, and they constantly hand me crawly critters, ""Maestra, Maestra! mira!" (Teacher, Teacher, look!) Like a good teacher, I accept the bugs in my hand and we look at them together. They are part of our world too. The creepy crawly part.

Addition: My co-worker Terry says that locally they are known as "Grampas" and make good bait for bass fishing. And yes, they do pinch.

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